
Dynamically load external JavaScript and/or Stylesheets into your page.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Dynamically load external JavaScript and/or Stylesheets into your page.

Useful when these assets are not statically known, but determined at runtime.

GitHub releases npm

API Reference

Method Returns Description
loadJsCss.list(<resourceSpec[]> resources, <listOptions> options?) N/A Loads the given list of resources. Each resource must specify its type field in resourceSpec.
loadJsCss.js(<resourceSpec> resource) N/A Loads the given script.
loadJsCss.css(<resourceSpec> resource) N/A Loads the given stylesheet.


Hash map / dictionary with following keys:

Key Type Description
type "script" or "stylesheet" Used by loadJsCss.list to determine the type of resource. Must be specified for loadJsCss.list
path String URL (relative or absolute) to the resource. When relative, relative to the current script location.
attrs? Object Hash map / dictionary of extra attributes to apply to the <script> or <link> tag. E.g. for SRI (integrity and crossorigin attributes).
async? Boolean For script only. Default: false (in order to emulate defer attribute and maintain a more predictable behaviour, by ensuring execution order is the same as list order)


Hash map / dictionary with following keys:

Key Type Description
delayScripts? Number or false Defer loading of scripts after stylesheets, by the given duration (in milliseconds). Useful to try to delay scripts execution after stylesheets are ready (but not bullet proof).



This library is distributed under the ISC license.