
Clickable regions from SVG images in Flutter

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter clickable SVG regions (Interactive Map)

Build Status

This is a simple application which displays an SVG image with clickable regions. It displays all the provinces from The Netherlands. When you click on it, it will highlight the clicked province.

Getting Started

Get an SVG and open it in a text editor. In this example, we are using the SVG image from https://mapsvg.com/maps/netherlands/.

The file will show several <path></path> entries. You need to add these manually in all the @SvgPath annotations.

After adding the annotations, you can run the below command to generate the needed Path objects.

flutter packages pub run build_runner build

Known issues

Some provinces are not clickable. This is an issue of the SVG being used.




Giovanni Terlingen me@giovanniterlingen.com