
docker file for gogits

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Dockerfile for gogs server(a self-hosted git service).


docker pull codeskyblue/docker-gogs

mkdir -p /var/gogs
docker run --name=gogs -d -p 10022:22 -p 10080:3000 -v /var/gogs:/data codeskyblue/docker-gogs

Open bowser and naviage to


ssh port listens on 10022

It's ok to change /var/gogs to other directory.

Directory /var/gogs keeps git and gogs data

├── git
│   └── gogs-repositories
|-- ssh
|    `-- # ssh pub-pri keys for gogs
└── gogs
	├── conf
	├── data
	├── log
	└── templates

Config file is in gogs/conf/app.ini

If your store engine choose sqlite, then the data file is in gogs/data/gogs.db

Support ssh

After finish the gogs install. Another step need to do to support ssh. (Wait the gogs offical update the install page)

edit gogs/conf/app.ini

Add SSH_PORT = 10022 after [server]

For example:

DOMAIN = git.shengxiang.me
HTTP_PORT = 3000
ROOT_URL = http://git.shengxiang.me/
SSH_PORT = 10022

Then restart gogs by run docker restart gogs

Link with mysql

mysql is from https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/mysql/.

Alert. Not tested. For my machine got too low memory, and canot run mysql.

If you are interested to test. Pull request are welcome.

First start an mysql instance

docker pull mysql
docker run --name gogs-mysql -e MYSQL_DATABASE=gogs -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=abcd -d mysql

Then run gogs

mkdir -p /var/gogs
docker run --rm -ti --name gogs --link gogs-mysql:mysql -p 10022:22 -p 10080:3000 -v /var/gogs:/data codeskyblue/docker-gogs

Good luck.