Generate RSA keys, encrypt and decrypt data
To generate the Modulus, the private key and the public key, enter this command
.\PowerRSA.ps1 -Method GenKeys
.\PowerRSA.ps1 -Method GenKeys -KeyType 1024-bit
.\PowerRSA.ps1 -Method GenKeys -KeyType 2048-bit
To encrypt data using PowerRSA enter this command
.\PowerRSA.ps1 -Method Enc -Exponent F:\Crypto\20160206104626\PublicKey -Modulus F:\Crypto\20160206104626\Modulus
Enter the data string to encrypt :
Enter message to encrypt: Hi! I'm an encrypted data string
To decrypt data using PowerRSA enter this command
.\PowerRSA.ps1 -Method Dec -Data F:\Crypto\20160206110641\Data -Exponent F:\Crypto\20160206104626\PrivateKey -Modulus F:\Crypto\20160206104626\Modulus