
Some code releted to (very) basic electric circuit lab with Arduino board

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Some code related to (very) basic electric circuit lab with Arduino board


It's April 2020, the world is fighting against the spread of covid-19. As a consequence all laboratory activities in schools/universities are stopped.

To lower distances with students, in this repository I'm going to summarize some activities that can be performed at home with a low cost Arduino kit. All experiments are very basilar and related to a specific aspect of basic circuit theory. The main aim is to touch with hands concepts that would remain otherwise too abstract.

YouTube videos

Each experience is accompanied by a YouTube video (Italian language only).

Currently, the following activities are present:

  1. Open a Serial Communication with the Arduino board using the Serial Monitor integrated in the Arduino IDE and with Python (Python 3). --> link to rev. 2 (old version)
  2. Acquisition of an electric voltage. This is done using the application of a voltage divider. --> link
  3. Measurement of an equivalent resistance. --> link
  4. Thévenin's theorem: computation and experimental validation. --> link
  5. Superposition principle: computation and experimental validation. --> link
  6. Maximum power transfer: experimental validation. --> link
  7. Circuits in time domain: the RC circuit. --> link