
test project to learn dbt

This is a demo dbt project.

I installed dbt locally using pip. To work on this project in the future remeber to run source dbt-env/bin/activate

As an inital project I want to query some data from a public BigQuery database and load it into my demo Project. Unfortunatey I am currently experiencing issues with permissions. It seems that my user does not have the right permissions:

"User does not have permission to query table". This happened with two different public datasets.

Things to try:

  • Is it that OAuth let's you only use the same Project as both source and destionation? NO. I was able to run a model from a different Project owned by me.

  • Is it possible that it's because my demo Project is not billable, i.e. I am in Sandbox mode? NO. I can see online resources using sandbox.

  • Is it possible that I am missing something in the configuration?

  • Is it the problem that it is public or that it is a different project from my output profile? It looks like it is an issue related to this. In particular on dbt Slack I was told to try and use gcloud auth application-default https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/auth/application-default

Using the starter project

Try running the following commands:

  • dbt run
  • dbt test


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