
Webapp to stream fotos to the tv in my home network

Primary LanguageRust

Photos Backend

This repository, which is still work in progress, will be a system to collect data for training machine learning models on my private photo collection.


The first milestone would be to allow the user to efficiently browse the pictures in the collection. These are high resolution pictures on a Network Attached Storage (NAS), so browsing them through a common file system protocol like SMB or NFS is too slow.

For the purpose of annotating them with ML data (categorize, tag persons, etc.) one can reduce the quality of the pictures (size and resolution) to make them more lightweight. The backend will to this on the fly.

Together with this repository a web frontend will be build in a separate repository, that will allow to browse through the pictures comfortably.


Once I am able to browse the pictures efficiently, I will start annotating them manually.

For now I'm thinking of two use cases: classification and face recognition.


The goal is to be able to search for something like all pictures of landscapes in Abruzzo. For this I need to be able to add tags to a picture. Some tags can be derived from the folder structure (e.g. if a folder contains photos of my vacation in Abruzzo, then all the pictures in the folder will get the tag Abruzzo). The backend need to able to tag all pictures in a folder with one API call.

Face or person recognition

The goal is to be able to search for given persons (e.g. all pictures of me). I will use a pre-trained model for face or person recognition, then do some clustering and manually tag the clusters.


Once pictures and persons on them are tagged the next step will be to make the picture searchable.


When new pictures come in, they should be automatically tagged. For this I will train two models (for classification and recognition). Additionally it should be possible to correct the prediction manually. For example I may want to introduce new tags.


The models should be retrainted regurarly as new pictures come in.