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This library contains F# type providers for RDF and SPARQL. It is built on top of dotNetRDF.

Reading and writing RDF graphs

GraphProvider helps working with RDF graphs, providing .NET types and members corresponding to RDF classes and properties found in ontologies or in sample data graphs. It can be used also from C# because it's a generative type provider.

The same reading and writing capabilities are also split in two separate type providers (GraphNavigator and GraphBuilder) which, being of the erased kind, can cope with larger ontologies like schema.org.

Querying RDF with SPARQL

SparqlQueryProvider and SparqlCommandProvider are generative providers to safely create parametric SPARQL queries and typed wrappers for results.

Type providers


GraphProvider generates types from a schema or from a sample.

Given the following Turtle sample file alice.ttl:

@prefix : <http://example.org/> .

:alice a :Person ;
    :age 42 .

The type provider infers a type Person with a property Age and a Get factory method returning the instances in a given graph.

#r "nuget: Iride"

open Iride
open VDS.RDF

type G = GraphProvider<"alice.ttl">

let printAge (graph: IGraph) =
    for person in G.Person.Get(graph) do
        for age in person.Age do
            printfn "%i" age

All properties are generated as sequences since RDF allows multiple values.

The same model is obtained using a schema (either RDFS or schema.org):

type G = GraphProvider<Schema = """
    @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
    @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
    @prefix : <http://example.org/> .

    :age rdfs:domain :Person ;
         rdfs:range xsd:integer .

Notice also that the parameter, both for the schema and for the sample, can be inline text, a file path or a URL.


GraphBuilder allows to fluently create graphs using a given ontology:

#r "nuget: Iride" 

open Iride
open VDS.RDF
open Iride.Extensions

type foaf = GraphBuilder<Schema="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/index.rdf">

let graph = new Graph()
graph.NamespaceMap.AddNamespace("", UriFactory.Create "http://example.org/")
graph.NamespaceMap.AddNamespace("foaf", UriFactory.Create "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")

foaf.Person(graph.Resource ":ann")
    .Knows(foaf.Person(graph.Resource ":bob")


The file created with the builder:

@prefix : <http://example.org/>.
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>.

:ann a foaf:Person;
     foaf:firstName "Ann";
     foaf:knows :bob.
:bob a foaf:Person;
     foaf:firstName "Bob".

can be read with the navigator:

#r "nuget: Iride" 

open Iride
open VDS.RDF

type foaf = GraphNavigator<Schema="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/index.rdf">

let graph = new Graph()

|> Seq.collect (fun x -> x.FirstName)


SparqlQueryProvider checks SPARQL queries at design time, in the same vein as SqlCommandProvider. For example it detects syntax errors in SPARQL text:

It also provides typed input parameters and (for SELECT queries) typed Result objects. In the following example, the type provider generates a type Q with a static method GetText and a nested type Q.Result. The former allows to set input parameters (replacing $INT with 42 in the example). The latter is a typed wrapper of SparqlResult objects, with properties corresponding to the output variables (s and IRI_p in the example) of the query.

open Iride

type Q = SparqlQueryProvider<"SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?IRI_p $INT }">

let exec: string -> VDS.RDF.Query.SparqlResultSet =
    failwith "Use your favourite SPARQL client"

let query = Q.GetText(INT=42)
for r in exec(query) do
    let result = Q.Result(r)
    let subject: VDS.RDF.INode = result.s
    let predicate: System.Uri = result.IRI_p
    // ....

In SPARQL, output variables start with either ? or $ but, in practice, only ? is used. Hence this library hijacks the prefix $ to indicate input parameters.

Furthermore, upper case data type hints (e.g. IRI, INT) instruct the type provider to assign types to parameters and variables. Notice, however, that triple stores may return unparseable values due to the schemaless nature of RDF.

Supported data types are IRI, LIT, INT, NUM, DATE, TIME, BOOL.


SparqlCommandProvider behaves like SparqlQueryProvider except that it covers update commands.

type Cmd = SparqlCommandProvider<"""
    INSERT DATA {$IRI_person <http://example.org/age> $INT_age}

    IRI_person = System.Uri "http://example.org/p1",
    INT_age = 25)
|> printfn "%s"
// INSERT DATA {<http://example.org/p1> <http://example.org/age> 25 }


UriProvider creates System.Uri properties from IRIs in RDF vocabularies.

type Book = UriProvider<"book.ttl">

let a: System.Uri = Book.author

The vocabulary can be either turtle text, a local file or a web resource. The list of IRIs for which a property is generated is obtained with the following SPARQL query:

PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

SELECT ?uri ?label ?comment WHERE {
  ?uri rdfs:label ?label ;
       rdfs:comment ?comment .

You can provide your own SPARQL query to customize the set of properties.

Vocabulary checks

To detect typos in property and class names, it is useful to restrict the accepted vocabulary in queries and commands:

In the example above the type provider reports an error because BarZ is not present in the vocabulary specified by the Schema parameter.