
Some demos built around the overlay feature (preview + picture + video record) of @natario1's CameraView (https://github.com/natario1/CameraView) Android library.

Primary LanguageJava

CameraView overlay demos

Some demos built around the overlay feature (preview + picture + video record) of @natario1's CameraView (https://github.com/natario1/CameraView) Android library.

FreeDrawing (link)

You can paint on the camera with your fingers, you can record a video as you are drawing and snap a picture of the masterpiece! Relies heavily on Android Draw.

I wrote a blog post explaining what's going on in more details, you can find the it here.

screenshot video picture

BasicWatermark (link)

Bare minimum camera overlay demo using CameraView:

  • full screen camera preview
  • little text as overlay that gets recorded
  • video recording button + preview
  • picture button + preview
  • front/back camera button

Other demos will build upon it.

Ideas for other demos

  • something w/ Tensorflow
  • something w/ OpenCV or dlib