============ adds ``_ and some related
overlay and form-handling JavaScript libraries to Plone.

```` was developed for Plone 4. However, it can
be used in Plone 3.x by adding a zcml slug and running it's
GS Setup extension profile, or by adding a product like Products.pipbox
that will load the GS profile for you.

.. contents::

Avaliable resources

``_ plugins and widgets are packed into Zope browser resources:

    * ````

        Default plugins and widgets used by plone. This resource is enabled
        by default with ```` profile.

        Included scripts: `overlay.js`_, `scrollable.js`_, `tabs.js`_,
        `toolbox.history.js`_, `toolbox.expose.js`_, `tooltip.js`_

    * ````

        Additional plugin and widgets which does not take much space and for
        this reason are packed together. This plugins are not enabled by

        Included scripts: ``_, `scrollable.autoscroll.js`_,
        `scrollable.navigator.js`_, `tabs.slideshow.js`_,
        `toolbox.flashembed.js`_, `toolbox.mousewheel.js`_,
        `tooltip.dynamic.js`_, `tooltip.slide.js`_

    * ````

        `jquerytools dateinput`_ widget with style from `first demo`_. Both
        scripts are added to portal_javascript and portal_css but disabled by

    * ````

        `jquerytools rangeinput`_ widget. Added to portal_javascript tool, but
        disabled by default.

    * ````

        `jquerytools validator`_ script, which should help you with nice
        validation of your forms. Added to portal_javascript tool, but
        disabled byt default.

    * ````

        Integrates the `jquery form plugin`_ to add support for AJAX form
        handling. More about this below.

    * ````
      not yet minimized) and ````
      (Size: 1.9KB, not yet minimized)

        Adds helper code for loading overlays dynamically and for handling AJAX
        forms based on existing pages with minimal setup. More about this in
        instructions below.

JS resources are minified, but uncompressed versions are available in
plone/app/jquerytools/browser for reading/debugging purposes. To use them
for debugging, edit plone/app/jquerytools/configure.zcml to temporarily
specify files ending with .js rather than .min.js.

Overlay helpers
=============== provides a helper for handling various kinds of dynamic
overlays, including overlays with forms you wish handled by AJAX.

The helper, jQuery.fn.prepOverlay, is a jQuery-style function: it should be
used as a method of a jQuery selection object. The selection object is always
a selection of trigger elements.

prepOverlay should be passed one parameter: a options object, which will often
be constructed as a JavaScript literal object.


Let's say, for example, that you want to make clicking on news-item photos
open a lightbox-style larger version of the image. To do this, you'll need to

    * A jQuery style selector for a Plone element, e.g., ".newsImageContainer a"

    * "image" for the load method ("ajax" and "iframe" are other alternatives)

    * A regular expression search/replace to transform the href or src URL.
      In this example, we're changing the URL to point to the preview-sized
      image. So, our search/replace pair is "/image_view_fullscreen"
      and "_preview".

    * You could also specify additional overlay configuration parameters.

The code::

    $('.newsImageContainer a')
             subtype: 'image',
             urlmatch: '/image_view_fullscreen$',
             urlreplace: '_preview'

Another quick example, one that provides full-image popups for images placed
via kupu::

    $('img.image-right, img.image-left, img.image-inline')
            subtype: 'image',
            urlmatch: '/image_.+$',
            urlreplace: ''

What's different? We're targeting <img ... /> tags, which don't have href
attributes. The helper automatically picks up the target URL from the src
attribute, so that we can have a popup view of image elements that aren't
linked to that view. Note also that we're using a real regular expression
in the search/replace so that we can strip off image_preview, image_mini, etc.

And, a configuration to put the site map in an iframe popup with expose
settings, picking up the target from an href::

    $('#siteaction-sitemap a')
            subtype: 'iframe',
            config: {expose:{color:'#00f'}}


The complete options list:

    * subtype: 'image' | 'iframe' | 'ajax'

    * urlmatch: Regular expression for a portion of the target URL. Target
      URL is determined by checking href, src or action attributes.

    * urlreplace: Replacement expression for the matched expression.

    * filter: (ajax only) the jQuery selector used to find the elements of
      the ajax loaded resource that you wish to use in the overlay.

    * width: Width of the popup. Defaults to 60%. Overriden by image width
      for image overlays. Percentages are computed against window width,
      not parent.

    * cssclass: A custom css class to apply to the overlay. Ignored
      for inline overlays.

    * config: jQuery Tools configuration options in a dictionary.

For AJAX overlay forms, add the following, form-oriented, options:

    * formselector: Used to specify the JQuery selector for any
      forms inside the loaded content that you want to be handled
      inside the overlay by doing an AJAX load to get the overlay

      When a form is submitted, the overlay handler checks the response
      for formselector. If it's found, the result is displayed in the
      overlay and form handlers are bound. If not, the 'noform' action
      is carried out.

    * noform: the action to take if an ajax form is submitted and the returned
      content has nothing matching the formselector. Available actions include
      'close' to simply close the overlay, 'reload' to reload the page, and
      'redirect' to redirect to another page. If you choose 'redirect', you
      must specify the URL in the redirect option. Default
      action is to display the filtered response in the popup.

      You may also supply as the 'noform' argument a
      callback function that returns one of these strings. The overlay helper
      will call the function with the overlay element as an argument.

    * closeselector: use this to specify a JQuery selector that will be used
      to find elements within the overlay that should close the overlay if
      clicked. The most obvious example is a form's cancel button.

    * redirect: if you specify 'redirect' for the noform action, use the
      redirect option to specify the full target URL. You may also supply a
      callback function that returns a URL. The overlay helper will call the
      function with the overlay element and the response text as arguments.

    * beforepost: you may specify a function that will be called before the
      AJAX form posting. This callback will be passed the jQuery-wrapped form
      and the serialized form data. Return true if you wish the AJAX form
      handler to handle the event; return false if you wish to cancel the

    * afterpost: you may specify a function that will be called immediately
      after the AJAX load of the post response. The function will be passed an
      element containing the returned HTML as a jQuery object. Second argument
      is data_parent object, which contains overlay configuration and other
      useful data in the jQuery 'data' resource. This callback occurs before
      any other processing of the response. The callback function's return
      value is ignored.


Some of the options allow use of AJAX to get content. When you're
loading content into an overlay or tab via AJAX, you're nearly always
going to want only part of the loaded content. For example, if you're
picking up a Plone page, you may only want the #content div's contents.

To do this, just add a CSS (or JQuery) selector as a 'filter' option.
JQuery's load method (which pipbox uses) will only pick up the content inside
the selection.

For example, let's say that you wish to display the standard Plone site map
in an overlay. You could use::

    $('#siteaction-sitemap a').prepOverlay({
        subtype: 'ajax',
        filter: '#content > *'

The filter code causes the overlay handler to load only a portion of the
AJAX-loaded HTML into the overlay, picking up only what's inside the
#content div. If you don't specify a filter, you'll get
everything inside the body section of the page -- not usually what you

Some browsers cache AJAX loads, so a random argument is automatically
added to URLs.

NOTE: the  "ajax_load" query string argument is automatically added to AJAX
urls and may be used in templates to determine which resources are shipped
for AJAX overlays. Plone 4's main template uses this to exclude nearly
all elements of the page outside the content area.

AJAX Forms

The overlay helper can automatically handle forms that are within the
overlay by making an AJAX post action, then replacing the overlay content with
the results.

Specify forms for this handling with the "formselector" option. The content
filter specified in the original overlay is reused.

For example, if you wished to handle the standard Plone contact form in an
overlay, you could specify::

    $('#siteaction-contact a').prepOverlay({
        subtype: 'ajax',
        filter: '#content>*',
        formselector: 'form'

Another example: using popups for the delete confirmation and rename forms
(from the action menu)::

        subtype: 'ajax',
        filter: '#content>*',
        closeselector: '[name=form.button.Cancel]'

There are a couple of differences here. First, there is no form selector
specified; that's because we don't want to install an ajax submit handler
when we may be renaming or deleting the displayed object. Second, we specify
a close selector so that pushing the cancel button will close the overlay
without bothering to submit the form.

See ``Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_ecmascript/popupform.js`` for several
examples of using callbacks to handle tricky cases like confirming deletion of
the current content item.

The `jquery form plugin`_ is used to do the data serialization for form posts.
It provides a more complete serialization, including submit name/value and file
data, than jQuery alone.

jQuery Tools Events

Event handlers for jQuery Tools overlay events may be set in via the optional
"config" argument, which is passed as a dictionary. For example, to specify an
onBeforeLoad event::

        subtype: 'image',
        config: {
            onBeforeLoad : function (e) {
                console.log('onBeforeLoad', this.getOverlay());
                return true;

Useful events are specified in the jQuery Tools `overlay documentation`_.
Also, see the `events documentation`_. Note that you should return ``true`` in
```onBeforeLoad``` and ``onBeforeClose`` handlers if you want the default behavior
(opening or closing). Return ``false`` to prevent opening or closing.

jQuery Tools passes the event as a parameter when it calls the event handlers.
``this`` will be the jqt API object, which has ``getOverlay()`` and
``getTrigger()`` methods.

.. _``:
.. _`overlay.js`:
.. _`scrollable.js`:
.. _`tabs.js`:
.. _`toolbox.history.js`:
.. _`toolbox.expose.js`:
.. _`tooltip.js`:
.. _``:
.. _`scrollable.autoscroll.js`:
.. _`scrollable.navigator.js`:
.. _`tabs.slideshow.js`:
.. _`toolbox.flashembed.js`:
.. _`toolbox.mousewheel.js`:
.. _`tooltip.dynamic.js`:
.. _`tooltip.slide.js`:
.. _`jquerytools dateinput`:
.. _`first demo`:
.. _`jquerytools rangeinput`:
.. _`jquerytools validator`:
.. _`jquery form plugin`:
.. _`overlay documentation`:
.. _`events documentation`: