
Balanced roles generator for deception games

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A Shiny app for generating balanced villages for deception games.

The roles used in the default dataset are taken from the original game "Wherewolf" by Christian Zoli: http://www.wherewolf.it/.

The balancer can be adapted to any scenario in a deception game such as Mafia, or Avalon.

Click Generate! to generate (likely) 10 new balanced villages.

In R run:

runGitHub( "ww_balancer_shiny_contest_2021", "giadasp")

Customizable settings:

Village Generator tab

In this tab you can:

  • Select the Number of players.

  • Select the Number of factions. Select "0" if you do not want to impose this constraint.

    Ex. I want a village with exactly 3 factions (e.g. wolfs, village, and city), so I select '3' in the select input field "Number of factions".

  • Impose Constraints on the minimum or maximum number of players per faction. A constraint can be added to the generator by selecting the name of the faction you want to constrain, and clicking on "add". 0 is the default and neutral value (not applied). Select or write the name of the faction again and click "remove" to remove the related constraints.

  • Click the Generate 10 new villages! button to generate 10 new villages and wait for the model to be built and solved. If the options remains the same, by clicking this button again, other 10 villages are generated without waiting for the model to be built. The villages are generated in a non-strictly decreasing order of balancedness (e.g. village 1 can have the same balancing index of village 2).

  • Once the villages have been generated, select those you want to compare in the Village comparator section.

  • The plots show the properties of the generated villages: the faction composition, the total weight per faction, and the aura and mystic distributions. By looking at the weight plot it is possible to understand how a village is balanced or how strong a faction is. Thus, if the bars have all the same height, the factions have the same weights, i.e. the village is balanced. While, the taller the bars, the stronger the factions are. Thus, to create a challenging game, just select a village with the tallest bars. On the other hand, for an easy game, select a village with the shortest bars.

  • In the datatable below the plots, the role composition of each selected village is displayed.

  • Just select one of the generated village and start mastering your game!

Roles and Interactions tab

In this tab you can:

  • Edit the cells of the data frame directly in the Shiny app. However, rows and columns cannot be added or removed. Upload your customized dataset, instead.

  • Impose mandatory roles or exclude roles by putting a 1 in the mandatory or excluded columns (these columns are required in your custom data frame).

    Ex: the role pack leader is mandatory so it has a 1 in the column mandatory.

  • Customize the weights of each role wrt to a <faction> by editing the column with name w_<faction>. Positive weights means positive effect of the role on the faction, negative otherwise. 0 is neutral.

    Ex: The pack leader has a positive weights wrt the faction wolfs and negative wrt the faction village.

  • Impose enemy sets, i.e. roles which cannot be selected together. You can add how many enemy sets you like, these new columns must have names starting by enemy_set_.

    Ex: innkeeper and bard are extremely strong if chosen together, so you can create a innkeeper-bard role with n=2 (also the column n is required in the custom data frame) and put weights higher than the sum of the weights of innkeeper and bard separately. These 3 roles (innkeeper, bard and innkeeper-bard) are all in the enemy_set_2 because you can only choose one of them.

    Ex: psychic and seer are both in the enemy_set_1.

  • Impose friend sets, i.e. roles which interact in a peculiar way. You can add how many friend sets you like, these new columns must have names starting by friend_set_. The roles in a friend set either cannot be selected to be in the village or they can be in the village but the sum of their values in the friend_set_ column must be greater or equal than 1.

    Ex: the guard and other guard must be selected only if criminals are in play. Thus, I put them in the friend set with the criminals. Guards have a 0.4 value in the column friend_set_1, criminals, instead have a 0.1. This means that, either the model does not choose any criminal or guard to be put in the village, or to achieve a sum of the values friend_set_1 higher or equal than 1, it will choose at least 2 guards (0.4+0.4=0.8) together with, at least, 2 criminals (0.1+0.1=0.2), so that the sum is equal to 1.it extremely strong if chosen together, so you can create a innkeeper-bard role with n=2 (also the column n is required in the custom data frame) and put weights higher than the sum of the weights of innkeeper and bard separately. These 3 roles (innkeeper, bard and innkeeper-bard) are all in the enemy_set_2 because you can only choose one of them.

    Ex: psychic and seer are both in the enemy_set_1.

  • Download the roles and interactions data frame by clicking on the "csv" or "excel" buttons.

  • Upload a custom roles and interactions dataframe by csv file, use ; as separator.

Instructions tab

This tab contains the instructions to use the app (same as above) and the math used for the balancing internal model.