
A collection of fonts/typefaces that I am aware of and that hopefully will result legible. They are listed without any order of preference!

ALternative text: "American Shipping off the Rock of Gibraltar, Ivan Kostantinovich Aivazovsky (1873)"

Unordered list

Designed for better legibility

Not designed for better legibility but considered legible

  • Arial
  • Verdana
  • Comic Sans
  • Trebuchet
  • Century Gothic
  • Calibri

How to install a font

In a GNU/Linux operating system based on Ubuntu

If you need the fonts to be available system-wide

  1. copy the fonts (with super user privileges) into the following directory (or inside its inner directories):
  2. reboot the system or run the following command (even with low privileges):
    fc-cache -f -v

To check that they are correctly installed, just run the following command:
fc-list | grep <name-of-the-font-installed>

In Windows

To write