Competitive Programming

What is this?

A place to save my codes, specialized for competitive programming.

How to use debug template?

Debug template for competitive programming mydebug.h


  • Show variables names (or function, expression...) and their values
  • Print any stl container that has begin() and end()
  • Support line number
  • Pretty print with ascii-color on linux, (for window enable virtual terminal processing)


  • Replace #include <mydebug.h> with its content
  • Or copy file mydebug.h to /usr/include/
  • Remember to compile with option -DLOCAL
  • Works out of the box for c++17, if you use c++14 you had to replace/remove operator<< for tuple


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#ifdef LOCAL
// copy header file mydebug.h to your include location
// linux: /usr/include
// or copy mydebug.h content here
#include <mydebug.h>
#define debug(...)

using namespace std;

int main() {
  vector<int> v = {4, 5, 1, 2};
  debug(v); // use cerr

  // normal cout
  cout << v << endl;

  // work for vector, map, set, array, deque... (has begin(), and end())
  map<string, int> m = {{"hello", 1}, {"there", 2}};

  // even c-array
  int arr[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};

  // multi dimensional array
  int ar[3][3];

  // multi demensional vector
  vector<vector<pair<int,bool>>> vvp = {
    {{1, false}, {2, true}},
    {{3, true}, {4, false}}

  // tuple
  tuple<string,int,float> t{"a string", 0, 1.f};

  // multiple variable in one line
  int a = 5;
  string s = "ss";
  bool b = false;
  debug(a, s, b);

Comiple with: g++ -std=c++17 template.cpp -o template -DLOCAL



Want to compile faster?

Reduce g++ compile time to 1/3 when #include <bits/stdc++> using precompile header

tobe continued...