
Angular2 service for Star Wars API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular2 Service for Star Wars API


Run npm install ng2-swapi --save to install and add to your dependencies

Installation optional

Depending on your actual settings you may need to:

  • Add ng2-swapi path in your map object in system.config.js
 var map = {
   'app':         'app',
   'ng2-swapi':   'node_modules/ng2-swapi'
  • Add ng2-swapi package in your packages object in system.config.js
  var packages = {
    'app':       { main: 'main.js',  defaultExtension: 'js' },
    'ng2-swapi': { main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js' }


  1. Import SwapiService Component
    import { SwapiService } from './ng2-swapi';
  1. Add it in the provider array of your component
        selector: 'my-custom-selector',
        templateUrl: 'my-componet-template.component.html',
        providers: [ SwapiService ]
  1. Add an argument of type SwapiService to your class constructor
export class myComponent {
      constructor (private swapi: SwapiService) {}
  1. Call the desired method (other available methods)
// Example of using
// Correspond to http://swapi.co/api/people/3/

    this.swapi.getPerson(3).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});
res = {
	"name": "R2-D2",
	"height": "96",
	"mass": "32",
	"hair_color": "n/a",
	"skin_color": "white, blue",
	"eye_color": "red",
	"birth_year": "33BBY",

Methods available

Get Root

swapi.getRoot(wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});


  • wookiee boolean (default: false) - wookiee translations


  • res object - contain the response of the call
  • err string - contain the error if something wrong occurred

Get People / Get Films / Get Starships / Get Vehicles / Get Species / Get Planets

swapi.getPeople(page, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});

swapi.getFilms(page, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});

swapi.getStarships(page, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});

swapi.getVehicles(page, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});

swapi.getSpecies(page, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});

swapi.getPlanets(page, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});


  • page number (default: null) - page number
  • wookiee boolean (default: false) - wookiee translations


  • res object - contain the response of the call
  • err string - contain the error if something wrong occurred

Get Person / Get Film / Get Starship / Get Vehicle / Get Specie / Get Planet

swapi.getPeople(id, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});

swapi.getFilms(id, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});

swapi.getStarships(id, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});

swapi.getVehicles(id, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});

swapi.getSpecies(id, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});

swapi.getPlanets(id, wookiee).subscribe(res =>  {},err =>  {});


  • id number (mandatory) - :id of the resource
  • wookiee boolean (default: false) - wookiee translations


  • res object - contain the response of the call
  • err string - contain the error if something wrong occurred

Original documentation

Original documentation of Star Wars API by Paul Hallet

at https://swapi.co/documentation


Gianmaria Leoni

Full working Example

View README in example\ folder


  • Testing