This plugin package is not much but only for saving files in Android, iOS, Web, Windows, MacOS and Linux. The package depends on path_provider for Android and iOS and basic html anchor for Web The main reason I built this plugin was to avoid using html only for downloading files. The plugin is pretty simple and saves the file in Downloads folder in Android, Windows, MacOS, Linux and directly downloads the file in Web, and the in iOS, the file is Saved in Application Documents Directory.
The plugin itself is pretty easy to use. Just call the method saveFile() with respective arguments.
await FileSaver.instance.saveFile(String? name,Uint8List bytes,String ext, mimeType: MimeType);
This saveFile() method takes 3 Positional Arguments. String name which takes the name of the file, Uint8List bytes which will be your actual encoded file, String ext this will be your file extension. 1 Optional Named Argument Specifically for Web MimeType type which will be your file type, MimeType is also included in my Package, I've included types for Sheets, Presentation, Word, Plain Text, PDF, MP3, MP4 and many other common formats
These Settings are optional for Android and iOS, as in Android the file will be saved in "storage/Android/data/" and in iOS the file will be saved in application documents directory but will not be visible in Files application, to make your file visible in iOS Files application, make the changes mentioned below.
Go to your project folder, android/src/main/AndroidMaifest.xml And add this above the application tag:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
Go to your project folder, ios/Runner/info.plist and Add these keys:
<true />
<true />
Open Your Project in XCode (Open XCode -> Open a project or file -> Your_Project_Folder/ios/Runner.xcworkspace) Open info.plist Add these rows:
Application supports iTunes file sharing (Boolean -> Yes)
Supports opening documents in place (Boolean -> Yes)
Go to your project folder, macOS/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements
For release you need to open 'YOUR_PROJECT_NAME'Profile.entitlements
and add the following key:
Open Your Project in XCode (Open XCode -> Open a project or file -> Your_Project_Folder/macos/Runner.xcworkspace) Open your entitlement file (DebugProfile.entitlements & 'YOUR_PROJECT_NAME'Profile.entitlements)