
simple codebase for my RL projects, several implemented algorithms include SAC, Distral, PCGrad

Primary LanguagePython


Simple codebase for my RL projects. This repo is aimed to be simple, lightweight with minimal amound of code, which serves as a starting point for reproducing RL algorithms. Each of the file in the repo is self-contained and loosely coupled with each other for code reusability. Some part of the code is adapted from Stable-Baselines3.


pip install git+https://github.com/giangbang/rl_codebase.git

or it can be installed manually from code

git clone https://github.com/giangbang/rl_codebase.git
cd rl_codebase/
pip install -e .

Implemented algorithm

Some popular RL algorithms have been implemented in rl_codebase to provide quick benchmarking.

  • SAC: support both continuous and discrete action spaces. When training with multitask environments, each tasks is trained on a separated agent as if they are independent experiments. This serves as a baseline for other multi-task algorithms.
  • Distral
  • PCGrad


This example show the running of Soft Actor Critic (SAC) with a few lines of code.

import gym
from rl_codebase import SAC

env  = gym.make('LunarLanderContinuous-v2')
eval_env = gym.make('LunarLanderContinuous-v2', render_mode='rgb_array')

agent = SAC(env, eval_env, log_path='logging')
agent.learn(total_timesteps=1_000_000, start_step=1000, eval_freq=10000)

# Video logging
from rl_codebase import evaluate_policy
evaluate_policy(eval_env, agent, task_names='LunarLanderContinuous',

The codebase follows a sklearn-like syntax and bears much resemblance from Stable-Baselines3 syntax. But unlike Stable-baselines3, one can have the algorithms run with multi-task environment.

import metaworld
from rl_codebase import SAC
import random
import gym

benchmark = metaworld.MT10()
train_envs, eval_envs = [], []

for name, env_cls in benchmark.train_classes.items():
    train = gym.wrappers.TimeLimit(env_cls(), max_episode_steps=500)
    eval = gym.wrappers.TimeLimit(env_cls(), max_episode_steps=500)
    task = random.choice([task for task in benchmark.train_tasks
                        if task.env_name == name])

agent = SAC(train_envs, eval_envs, log_path='logging')
agent.learn(total_timesteps=1_000_000, start_step=1000, eval_freq=2000)

Alternatively, training can also be called from command line (only used for simple environments that can be created by gym given id)

train --env_name CartPole-v0 --algs SAC --total_timesteps 100000 --learning_rate 3e-4 --log_path logging

Logging format

An example of the logger output when training with PCGrad on metaworld.

time.time_elapsed    : 1296.60
time.total_timesteps : 40000
time.fps             : 30
train.rewards        : 242.09
train.critic_loss    : 0.00
train.actor_loss     : -0.73
train.alpha_loss     : -18.75
train.alpha          : 0.06
eval.rewards         : 494.47
eval.success         : 0.00