
Alfred workflow to list all projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • List all projects in pre-defined source folders which is configured in source-folders and sources in config.json

  • For each project, there are set of actions

    • Open in Finder
    • Open in Iterm (New tab)
    • Open in Iterm (Current session)
    • Open in Iterm (New split panel)
    • Open in Sublime Text editor
    • Open Intellij IDEA editor
    • Open Visual Studio Code editor
    • Open in SourceTree
    • Open project's repo link
    • Open project's pull requests link
    • Open project's create pullrequest link
    • to be updated...Please create issue to request more features
  • Detect project types

    • Java
    • Nodejs
    • to be updated...Please create issue to request more features
  • Detect project git info to get repo links

    • Github
    • Bitbutket
    • Stash


  1. Download latest node version (v8.9.2+)
  2. Download worfklow file
  3. Import workflow
  4. Open workflow folder in terminal and run npm install to install node modules. Make sure you are running in correct node version.
  5. Make sure there is a config file - config.js in root folder of workflow. If it is not existed, please clone the file config.sample.json and rename it to config.json
  6. Open the workflow settings, make sure NODE_PATH environment variable is correct. Default node path is /usr/local/bin/node.



  • sc: Search projects, all projects is cached in local for 24h. So when you add new project, you should run sccleancache to clear cache.
  • scclearcache: to clear cache
  • scconfig: Open config file to set source code folders


  • source-containers: All sub folders (first level) in containers are loaded at project
  • sources: Individual sources
  • stash-server: Stash server domain. e.g: stash.your-compapy.com. (Optional, config it if you want to detect stash project)

Project actions

When selecting a project by pressing tab or enter => a list of project actions will be loaded. List of actions will be different base on project type and git info.

Troubles shooting:

  • Open in IDEA does not work: open workflow dir in terminal and run chmod +x idea (set run permission for idea script)
  • Open in Sublime does not work: Check if "/usr/local/bin/subl" is existed. If not, run ln -s /Applications/Sublime\ Text\ 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl /usr/local/bin/subl to create subl command

Know issues

  • Error with paths start with ~