
#100DaysOfCode challenge - At least 1 hour of coding everyday for 100 days

Primary LanguageRuby

100 Days Of Code Challenge

I am coding at least 1 hour a day, for 100 days, and sharing my journey on GitHub, my X account, and my Thread account, using the #100DaysOfCode hashtag.

  📆 Mar 24 to Jul 02 (2024).

  💻 Read more about this challenge!


🎯 Overall goals

  • Learn backend development
  • Make and publish a full-stack app
  • Finish at least one of my previous projects
  • Make a personal portfolio
  • Learn how to use advanced Git and GitHub features
  • (Optional) Docker and Redis


☑️ Completed

✔️ Setup my 100-Days-Of-Code-Challenge repository
✔️ Setup my X account and my Thread account
✔️ Explore Ruby
✔️ Commit common Ruby features

✔️ What is OAuth 2.0
✔️ What is Rails API
✔️ SignUp, Login, Profile in Rails API
✔️ Tested JWT authentication with Postman
✔️ Useful commands in Rails

✔️ E-mail confirmation
✔️ Password recovery
✔️ Automate some task with Rake

✔️ Refactored controllers
✔️ Tested registration controller

✔️ Tested login controller
✔️ Tested password controller
✔️ Started testing users controller

✔️ Added refreshToken
✔️ Completed testing controllers

✔️ Deployed to Render!!!!

✔️ Explored Render
✔️ Switched from sqlite3 to Postgres
✔️ Connected production DB with DataGrip
✔️ Added check email confirmed before every action

Day 9 - Rails API - /deleteUser

✔️ Started implementing and testing the /deleteUser service

✔️ Worked on "lectura", a Flutter app developed to learn BLoC and Clean Architecture


👀 Upcoming