
Fetch token transaction data from Etherscan

Primary LanguagePython

Etherscan Token Transaction Fetcher

This script fetches token transaction data from the Etherscan API and saves it to a single CSV file. It retrieves transactions for a specified token from the latest block until a specified end date.


  • Python 3.x
  • requests library for making HTTP requests.
  • polars library for data manipulation.
  • python-dotenv library for managing environment variables.

Install the required libraries using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. API Key: Obtain an API key from Etherscan APIs by signing up for an account.

  2. Environment Variable: Store your Etherscan API key in a .env file in the same directory as the script:



  1. Configure Parameters:

    • Set the token_address variable to the contract address of the token you want to fetch transactions for. Default is set to USDT (Tether).
    • Set the end_date variable to the date until which you want to fetch transactions. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
  2. Run the Script:

  • Fetch and collect transaction data:
    python fetch.py 
  • Merge into single CSV file:
    python merge.py 
  1. Output: The script saves transaction data to CSV files in the transactions directory, named based on the block range.


To fetch transactions for the USDT (Tether) token from the latest block until January 1, 2025:

token_address = '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7'  # USDT (Tether)
end_date = '2025-01-01'