
A tiny javascript only templating library for the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Zappa Zappa

Zappa is a tiny javascript only templating library for the browser. Instead of writing a mix of HTML and Javascript/Angular Expressions, write only javascript !

Zappa uses actual HTMLElements internally. You can directly use them and avoid the parsing step of string based template systems. The generated HTML is always valid.

Zappa is javascript only: no pseudo-language to learn or special delimiters to use, only javascript code.

Getting Started


bower install zappa


var context = {
    name: 'Zappa',
    things: ['very', 'much', 'easy']

        z.h1().text('This is ' + context.name + ' !'),
        z.section({class: 'content'})
                z.p().text('It\'s easy to write a zappa template.'),
                        context.things.map(function (item) {
                            return z.li().text(item); 

will append to <body>:

<h1>This is Zappa !</h1>
<section class="content">
    <p>It's easy to write a zappa template.</p>

Zappa's functions

There is a function for every HTML5 tag:


If you miss one or you want to use web components, you can use element:


will generate


To add text inside an element, use text:

z.div().text('this text is in the div.');

will generate

<div>this text is in the div</div>

Root expression

You can call any element function (div, span, etc.) directly on z:

will generate a lone div:

You can wrap an element from the DOM:
    .div().text('this is appended to the body');

Any subsequent element function will append the generated HTML to the wrapped element:

    <div>this is appended to the body</div> 
You can wrap the result of a query:
    .div().text('this is appended to the .container');

Any subsequent element function will append the generated HTML to the wrapped element found by the query:

<div class="container">
    <div>this is appended to the .container</div> 


To add attributes to an element, simply pass an object to the function:

    'class': 'container',
    'name': 'aForm',
    'action': '/gothere'

will generate

<form class="container" name="aForm" action="/gothere">
You can use functions instead of attributes values:
    class: function () {
        if (document.documentElement.clientWidth < 768) {
           return 'mobile';
        } else {
           return 'desktop';

will generate:

<div class="desktop"></div>

or if you're on a tiny screen:

<div class="mobile"></div>

Multiple children

To append several elements to the same root, use elements:


will generate:

You can use a function instead of elements array argument:
var things = ['one', 'two', 'three']

z.ul().elements(function () {
    return things.map(function (item) {
        return z.span().text(item + ' ' + item);

will generate:

    <li>one one</li>
    <li>two two</li>
    <li>three three</li>

Get the result

The preferred way to use zappa's result is value which returns the HTMLElement generated:

z.div().text('get me !').value();

will return the root HTMLElement of the generated HTML.

But you can still work with strings, if you are required to, with html:

z.div().text('get me !').html();

will return the outerHTML of the generated HTML.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.