
A list of open-source projects made in Greece or by greek founders

MIT LicenseMIT


Organization/ User Repository Link Description
Netdata Netdata Website Netdata is an open source tool designed to collect real-time metrics, such as CPU usage, disk activity, bandwidth usage, website visits, etc., and then display them in live, asy-to-interpret charts.
Micahel Soultanidis Quillnote Website Quillnote is fully free and open-source note app. It will never show you ads, ask you for unnecessary permissions or upload your notes anywhere without you knowing.
UniStudents UniStudents-app Website Description
Greek Universities Network Open eclass Website The Open eClass platform (formerly known as GUnet eClass) is a complete Course Management System, used to store and present educational materials. It is the solution offered by the Greek Academic Network (GUnet) to support asynchronous elearning services. Its goal is the incorporation and constructive use of the Internet and web technologies in the teaching and learning process.
Universis universis-students Website UniverSIS is a coordinated effort by Greek academic institutions to build a Student Information System as an open source platform. The target is to serve our common needs to support academic and administrative processes.
Xtermjs Xterm.js Website Xterm.js is a front-end component written in TypeScript that lets applications bring fully-featured terminals to their users in the browser. It's used by popular projects such as VS Code, Hyper and Theia. It was created by the Greek startup Sourcelair
Persado Stevia Website Stevia is an Open Source QA Automation Testing Framework by Persado
Persado Anax Website Anax is our take on modularity and versatility for QA engineers. It is our intention to make Anax a leading software quality assurance framework.