======================================================================= ircnukes: Nuclear War for IRC. v0.1 An online zero-sum game which blends strategic thinking and unthinking brutality set in the current, possibly terminal, era of human existence ======================================================================= ./nukebot.py - irc bot version of the game ./nukage.py - test rig for irc bot TODO: o python code documentation o implement irc case-insensitive player names o polish up irc code o bot-disconnect detection code doesn't work somehow... o end the game if the bot disconnects (autosave) o loadgame needs a way to reassociate nicks that may have changed o use idents and hosts? o register account with bot? o give disconnected users a chance to reconnect before their next turn o handle player parting/kicked from game channel o command line args for nukebot o help <command> for detailed output o !votekick o Allow deterrents (priv command to transfer between deterrent/hand) o Implement interceptors o Keep player stats (pld/win/lost/amusing ircstats type stuff) o export to HTML o New weapons o stealth bomber o space platform o atomic cannons o Spies o Secrets o Other special rules + cards?
An online zero-sum game which blends strategic thinking and unthinking brutality set in the current, possibly terminal, era of human existence