
[Parsons MFA DT] Summer 2014; Bootcamp Code

Primary LanguageProcessing


Summer 2014 Bootcamp Code Syllabus


Learning Outcomes

  • Give students a general understanding of what code is, the history of code, how it is currently used, the advantages and limitations of code.
  • Show students how useful code is for an artist (installation art, openframeworks, web, etc).
  • Contextualize code in an artistic/interactive setting. Provide resources, books, videos on inspirational artists.
  • Give students resources, both online and in print, to further their coding knowledge. Introduce students to the open source community as both a learning and sharing tool.
  • Introduce students to different open source coding platforms, their uses, strengths and weaknesses. Many of these platforms will be further covered in weekend dorkShoop workshops.
  • Understand basic code data types, syntax, and gain a basic feeling for how the “machine” interprets this information.
  • Understand more complex features of code (functions, loops, arrays) and how these can be used to organize/simplify projects.
  • Strong emphasis on applying human logic (thinking) into code oriented logic (pseudo code). Also emphasis on breaking problems down.


  • Daily readings/videos and/or assignments will be given the first two weeks.
  • The final week students will work towards a final project.
  • Daily work load will vary depending on assignment and skill level, but 1-3 hours can be expected.

Lesson Plan Template

  • 5 min Check in, see how people are doing, talk about interesting work people have seen
  • 5 min Show inspirational videos. Relate current curriculum to concepts in videos
  • 5 min Show & tell homework that they are proud of (2 by class - picked).
  • 60 min Lecture/work session
  • 15 min Break
  • 55 min Lecture/work session
  • 5 min Explain homework

Attendance and Grading

  • Pass/Fail course.
  • Attendance: Only one absence is allowed. The second absence will be reported, and subsequent absences will result in a failure for this section of Boot Camp.
  • Grading: Grading will be on a pass fail basis, with a higher concern placed in individual improvement rather than base knowledge.
  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism will result in an automatic failure. Working in groups and referring to online resources is a great way to learn and is completely acceptable. Trying to pass off the work of others as your own is not. Code examples, starting points, or collaborative work should be credited where credit is due.


Extra Material



Online Resources




Graphic Design


