
Data visualization tutorials for the Geojournalism Handbook

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Geojournalism Handbook Tutorials

This series of tutorials was originally produced for the Geojournalism Handbook.

The Geojournalism Handbook is part of the portfolio of the Environmental News Lab (Ecolab), a multidisciplinary team hosted at Brazilian non profit news agency O ECO working to create useful applications for environmental coverage. The online toolkit was created in partnership with ICFJ, Internews’ Earth Journalism Network and the Flag It! Project. It will be a resource for Flag It! participants in Brazil, Nigeria, the Philippines and Romania.

Source: http://geojournalism.org/about

1. Deforestation diagram with Adobe Illustrator

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a column chart using data in a table and how to customize it with some icons.

2. Visualizing data with Processing

In this tutorial we will learn how to load data from an external file and we will create a graph with a population area x for the 10 most populous cities in the world.

3. Pesticides in Brazil

I am going to introduce the dynamic mode in Processing and program a simple interaction. We will draw a basic bar chart that will serve as a basis for other forms you might explore, such as line, column, area etc. Also, we will use for the first time an important programming concept: the conditional statement.

4. Garbage Collection in Manhattan We will continue to explore interactions in Processing. We will also see some new drawing functions and use it to create a line graph and an area graph. And I will show some functions that make drawing multiple charts on a canvas easier.