
Generate and listen to realistic AI generated podcasts - RN mobile + TS Node.js backend

Primary LanguageTypeScript


initial prompt used in Bolt.new

Create a expo react native app that uses a UI library and Typescript. It should have a login screen but it should only appear if user tries to do an action that requires authentication. By default it can navigate without creating a user. Use Clark for authentication using Google OAuth. The repo should be turbo pack where a node is Typescript backend that uses Mongodb and fastify and trpc.

Enhanced to:

Create a modern Expo React Native application with the following specifications:

Technical Requirements:

  • Initialize a new Expo React Native project with TypeScript support
  • Implement UI using React Native Paper library
  • Set up a TurboPack monorepo structure with the following packages:
    • apps/mobile (Expo React Native)
    • apps/backend (Node.js/Fastify)
    • packages/shared-types (Common TypeScript interfaces)

Authentication Flow:

  • Implement Clerk Authentication with Google OAuth
  • Create a seamless authentication flow where:
    • Users can browse the app freely without authentication
    • Protected routes/actions trigger a modal login screen
    • After successful authentication, resume the intended action

Backend Architecture:

  • Set up a Fastify server with TypeScript
  • Implement tRPC for type-safe API communication
  • Configure MongoDB as the database using Mongoose
  • Create necessary middleware for authentication validation

Project Structure:

  • Implement proper folder organization following domain-driven design
  • Set up shared configurations for TypeScript, ESLint, and Prettier
  • Configure proper environment variables for different environments
  • Include comprehensive documentation for setup and development


  • A working TurboPack monorepo with hot reload support
  • Type-safe API communication between frontend and backend
  • Secure authentication flow with proper error handling
  • Basic user profile management
  • Example of at least one protected route/action
  • React-navigation with bottom navbar with 3 buttons (home, my podcast, settings)

Please provide the implementation following modern React Native and TypeScript best practices, with proper error handling and loading states.