VK API bindings for React
VK now is imported as default!
import { VK, ... } from 'react-vk';
import VK, { ... } from 'react-vk';
Depending on your react
you need different virsion of package:
for react < 16
for react > 16.2
for react > 16.3
npm install --save react-vk
yarn add react-vk
For local projects run your server on port 80 (This is VK API requirement for local projects) For example using create-react-app in your package.json:
"start": "PORT=80 react-scripts start"
sudo npm run start
You need run this command as administrator!
<VK apiId={123456} />
- provides child components with vk. apiId - requires<AllowMessagesFromCommunity />
- AllowMessagesFromCommunity Widget instance<Application />
- App Widget instance<Auth />
- Auth Widget instance<Comments />
- Comments Widget instance<CommentsBrowse />
- CommentsBrowse Widget instance<CommunityMessages />
- CommunityMessages Widget instance<ContactUs />
- ContactUs Widget instance<Group />
- Group Widget instance<Like />
- Like Widget instance<Playlist />
- Playlist Widget instance<Poll />
- Poll Widget instance<Post />
- Post Widget instance<Recommended />
- Recommended Widget instance<Subscribe />
- Subscribe Widget instance
Every component has options object, which contains parameters (You can find available fields on VK API for selected widget)
<VK apiId={number} onApiAvailable={function}/>
requires apiId for init VK. More information on VK API onApiAvailable - function that provide you access to VK api instance -
<AllowMessagesFromCommunity elementId={string} options={object} groupId={number} onAllow={function} onDeny={function} />
requires groupId for correct work. You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module, use functions: onAllow(When "Allow messages" button is pressed), onDeny(If the user denies messages) More information on VK API -
<Application elementId={string} appId={number} options={object}/>
requires appId for correct work. You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module, More information on VK API -
<Auth elementId={string} options={object} onAuth={function}/>
You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module, use onAuth function(which can use a result of authorization(object with following fields: uid, first_name, last_name, photo, photo_rec, hash) More information on VK API -
<Comments elementId={string} options={object} pageId={string} onNewComment={function} onDeleteComment={function} />
You can set options by object, pageId - ID of the page on your site, elementId - ID of the container element for the module. When a comment is posted or deleted 4 parameters are passed to the handler functions(onNewComment, onDeleteComment): num, last_comment, date, sign More information on VK API -
<CommentsBrowse elementId={string} options={object} />
You can set options by object, pageId - ID of the page on your site, elementId - ID of the container element for the module. More information on VK API -
<CommunityMessages elementId={string} options={object} groupId={number} onMount={function} />
requires groupId for correct work. You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module, onMount = function that get mounted widget and elementId for extra actions: destroy — deletes the widget(requires elementId); expand — expands widget frame, may take welcomeScreen parameter (1 to show the welcome screen); stopTitleAnimation — disables title animation when new message received; minimize — minimizes widget frame. More information on VK API -
<ContactUs elementId={string} options={object} ownerId={number} />
requires ownerId for correct work. You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module More information on VK API -
<Group elementId={string} groupId={number} options={object} onJoin={function} onLeave={function} />
requires groupId for correct work. You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module, When the 'Follow on VK' button is clicked your can use onJoin and onLeave functions More information on VK API -
<Like elementId={string} options={object} pageId={string} onLike={function} onUnlike={function} onShare={function} onUnshare={function} />
You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module, pageId - ID of the page on your site, When Like button is clicked you can use onLike and onUnlike functions. You can use number of Likes for the current page as a parameter. Similar when Share With Friends is selectedAccording to documentation VK Like component require page_id if we need two or more independent likes on single page. So if you are using SPA - pageId attribute is required!
More information on VK API
<Playlist elementId={string} ownerId={number} playlistId={number} hash={string} options={object} />
For correct works requires ownerId, playlistId, hash(service parameter. hash can be obtained in the constructor only.) You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module More information on VK API -
<Poll elementId={string} options={object} pollId={string} />
requires pollId for correct work(You can get it using the form on https://vk.com/dev/Poll or with a button "Get code" in the existing poll) You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module More information on VK API -
<Post elementId={string} options={object} ownerId={number} postId={number} hash={string} />
For correct works requires ownerId, postId, hash(You can get hash in widget's constructor or "Export" window only.) You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module More information on VK API -
<Recommended elementId={string} options={object} />
You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module More information on VK API -
<Subscribe elementId={string} options={object} ownerId={number} onSubscribe={function} onUnsubscribe={function} />
requires ownerId for correct work. You can set options by object, elementId - ID of the container element for the module, when user subscribes, you can use onSubscribe function; when user unsubscribes — onUnsubscribe. More information on VK API https://vk.com/dev/widget_subscribe
window.onload = function() {
VK.init({ apiId: 123456 });
import { VK } from "react-vk";
const App = () => {
return <VK apiId={123456} />;
window.onload = function() {
VK.init({ apiId: 123456 });
VK.Widgets.Auth("vk_auth", {});
import { VK, Auth } from "react-vk";
const App = () => {
return (
<VK apiId={123456}>
<Auth />
<script type="text/javascript" src="//vk.com/js/api/openapi.js?122"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
VK.init({apiId: 123456});
<div id="vk_like"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
VK.Widgets.Like("vk_like", {type: "button"});
VK.Observer.subscribe("widgets.subscribed", function f() {
alert ("Thank you!");
import { VK, Subscribe } from "react-vk";
const App = () => {
return (
<VK apiId={123456}>
onSubscribe={() => {
alert("Thank you!");
<div id="vk_community_messages"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var widget = VK.Widgets.CommunityMessages("vk_community_messages", 20003922);
welcomeScreen: 1,
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { VK, CommunityMessages } from 'react-vk';
class App extends Component {
state = {
widget: null,
id: null,
handleClick = () => {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>Delete CommunityMessages</button>
<VK apiId={123456}>
onMount={(widget, id) => {
this.setState({ widget, id });
You can clone this repository and check more examples
git clone https://github.com/mmarkelov/react-vk.git
cd ./react-vk/examples
npm install && npm run dev
Also you can check them here
- Add more tests
- Thanks to @gribnoysup and his react-yandex-maps for inspiration and motivation.
- Thanks to @seeden and his react-facebook for inspiration and motivation.
- Lots of features were founded in these perfect packages.