
A tutorial to introduce you to Data Distribution Service.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

About this tutorial

This tutorial is aimed to show you the basics of DDS data-centric model.

For the sake of simplicity, this tutorial is based on the Python RTI Connector API, which simplifies the development and let the user focus on the basic concepts rather than learning a complex API.


  • python
  • virtualenv package
  • git (to download RTI Connector)

Preparing your environment

Run the ./setup script. This will download the RTI Connector API from the repository and create a python virtual environment

The script performs the following tasks:

  • Clone RTI Connector from the official github repository
  • Create a python virtual environment under rticonnectorenv/
  • Installs the RTI Connector in the rticonnectorenv environment

Running the exercises

To avoid requiring administrator rights to install RTI Connector in your system, the examples are prepared to be run using a python virtual environment. For this reason, it is important to run the following command in each terminal window you open before running the scripts:

source rticonnectorenv/bin/activate


This tutorial contans the following exercises

  • ex1-basic: Basic communication using publish/subscribe
  • ex2-filtering: Filtering
    • Time Based Filtering
    • Content Based Filtering
  • ex3-ha: High Availability:
    • Ownership
  • ex4-durability: Late Joiners
  • ex5-isolation: Partitioning/Isolation

All the examples have the same structure:

  • Tutorial.xml: A XML file where the system and QoS are defined
  • sensor.py: A publisher application that publish sensor data
  • console.py: A subscriber application that prints the information published using DDS

Follow the instructions in the README file of each exercise