
statement for animal/human samples for JOSS paper

jacobmerson opened this issue · 2 comments

As I mentioned in the JOSS review thread, you need to add statements about using data from animals/humans:

The references to the dataset in the updated paper seem fine to me from a pragmatic standpoint (since you don't collect any samples yourselves and are using a public database). However, it still doesn't meet my reading of the strict requirements in the JOSS webpage.

The manuscript must include complete reporting of the data, including the ways that the study was approved and relevant details of the sample. Authors are required to report either the ARRIVE or PREPARE guidelines for animal research in the submission.

I have asked the editor for more clarification on the issue.

@gianthk I re-read the guidelines and you are all clear on this. It is now clear to me that you have not included "original data on animal research".