
OpenGL ES 2.0 Rotozoomer for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-C

#OpenGL ES 2.0 Rotozoomer for iOS

A slightly crap bit of tutorial code by Ritchie Smith ( @narrenschiff )

##Introduction This project implements a rotozoomerfor iOS as an OpenGL Shader Language fragment shader. It's based heavily on the default apple "OpenGL Game" template, but with most of the GLKit code removed so it's mostly just plain old OpenGL ES 2.0.

##Requirements Requires Xcode and the iOS 6 developer stuff. Will run fine in the simulator.

##How it works ###viewController viewController is a subclass of GLKViewController. The desired frame rate defaults to 30 fps, and should be achievable on most recent hardware.

  • - (void)viewDidLoad sets up the coordinates of a quad filling the whole screen, sets up an orthographic projection matrix that accounts for aspect ratio, then calls setupGL

  • - (void)setupGL loads in shaders and sets up vertex buffers and other bits of state for OpenGL

  • - (void)update is called once per frame, and increments the _offset, _z, and _a ivars to animate the effect.

  • - (void)glkView:(GLKView *)view drawInRect:(CGRect)rect draws the frame and passes in the value of _offset, _z, and _a as Uniforms for the shader.

###shader.fsh This fragment shader uses _offset to compute horizontal roll, _z to compute zoom, and _a to compute angle for drawing texture tex.


  • It isn't the 90s anymore.