Eru is a stateless, flexible, production-ready resource scheduler designed to easily integrate into existing systems.
Eru can use multiple engines to run anything for the long or short term.
This project is Eru Core. The Core use for resource allocation and manage resource's lifetime.
Run make test
- Run
make build
if you want binary. - Run
if you want RPM for el7. However we use FPM for packing, so you have to prepare it first.
Run make deps
for generating vendor dir.
You can use our footstone image for testing and compiling.
Generate golang grpc definitions.
go get -u{proto,protoc-gen-go}
go install
make grpc
$ eru-core --config /etc/eru/core.yaml.sample
$ export ERU_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/core.yaml
$ eru-core
Image: projecteru2/core
docker run -d \
--name eru_core_$HOSTNAME \
--net host \
--restart always \
-v <HOST_CONFIG_DIR_PATH>:/etc/eru \
projecteru2/core \
After we implemented bootstrap in eru, now you can build and deploy eru with cli tool.
- Test source code and build image
<cli_execute_path> --name <image_name>
Make sure you can clone code. After the fresh image was named and tagged, it will be auto pushed to the remote registry which was defined in config file.
- Deploy core itself
<cli_execute_path> workloads deploy --pod <pod_name> [--node <node_name>] --entry core --network <network_name> --image <projecteru2/core>|<your_own_image> --file <core_config_yaml>:/core.yaml [--count <count_num>] [--cpu 0.3 | --mem 1024000000]
Now you will find core was started in nodes.