How to run


  • python 3


python3 -m venv .venv
pip install -r requirements.txt


python -m unittest discover tests -v

Complexity Analysis

  • Flattern JSON

    Time complexity: O(NM) (N: number of elements, M: number of nestest elements)

    Space complexity: 0(N) (N: number of elements)

  • Data Store and Load

    Time complexity: O(NM) (N: number of items, M: number of key value pairs)

    Space complexity: O(N) (N: number of items)

  • Find optimal path

    Time complexity: O(EV) (E: number of edges, V: number of vertices)

    Space complexity: O(V) (V: number of vertices)

    Using Depth First Search to detect cyclic and avoid infinite loop caused by cycles