
Simple terraform configuration for containerised lambda functions

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


Simple terraform configuration for deploying a containerised lambda function.

The architecture is set to arm64 by default, if you are building for a differnt platform this must match your image architecture.

The default configuration deploys the following:

Lambda Function - a lambda function, deployed from a specified image and version and built to a specified architecure. The example lambda lists the s3 buckets in the associated account.

Cloudwatch Log Group - a log group to catch logging from the lambda function.

Eventbridge - a scheduled event to trigger the lambda function.


This project uses poetry for package management, colima a license free tool for containerisation, the AWS cli commands for interacting with cloud services and Terraform for deploying changes.

It is expected you have these tools installed before progressing further.

Instructions to install Poetry

Instructions to install Colima

Instructions to install AWS cli tool

Terraform to configure AWS

See the section on deployment for specific requirements and prerequisites to deploy to AWS.

Run locally

Build the container

docker build -t lambda-function . 

Run the container

Replace the placeholders with the values for your AWS account.

docker run -p 9000:8080 \
  -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=xx-region-x \
  -e ENVIRONMENT=dev \

Trigger the local container

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{}'

Stop the container

List the running containers

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                       NAMES
601d47f4f256   lambda-function   "/lambda-entrypoint.…"   18 seconds ago   Up 18 seconds>8080/tcp, :::9000->8080/tcp   competent_robinson

Stop the container

docker stop <container_id || name>

Deploy to AWS

Deloyment Prerequisites

  • A terraform user is created in your AWS account with the necessarry permissions to deploy the lambda and interact with ECR.

  • An ECR user is created in your AWS account with the necessarry permissions (EC2ContainerRegisteryFullAccess) to push a container image to the ECR repository.

  • An ECR repository is created following the naming convention env-lambda_name in the AWS console.

Testing in AWS

The lambda can be triggered using the AWS CLI:

aws lambda invoke --function-name lambda-function --payload '{}' response.json

Output is written to response.json

Trivy for Terraform Scanning

Install trivy and use the following command to verify the terraform:


trivy config --config trivy-config.yml terraform

2024/07/31 13:55:01 INFO Loaded file_path=trivy-config.yml
2024-07-31T13:55:01+01:00       INFO    Misconfiguration scanning is enabled
2024-07-31T13:55:01+01:00       INFO    Detected config files   num=3

data.tf (terraform)

Failures: 0 (MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

Exceptions can be highlighted:

  • inline (e.g in data.tf #trivy:ignore:AVD-AWS-0057)
  • project scope (e.g in trivy-config.yml)