
An extremely fast and efficient web scraper that parses megabytes of HTML in a blink of an eye.

Primary LanguagePHP


An extremely fast and efficient web scraper that parses megabytes of HTML in a blink of an eye.


  • Very fast parsing and lookup
  • Parses broken HTML
  • jQuery-like style of DOM traversal
  • Low memory usage
  • Can handle big HTML documents (I have tested up to 20Mb, but the limit is the amount of RAM you have)
  • Doesn't require cURL to be installed
  • Automatically handles redirects (301, 302, 303)
  • Caches response for multiple processing tasks
  • PHP 5+


  include '/path/to/libs/hquery.php';

  // Set the cache path - must be a writable folder
  hQuery::$cache_path = "/path/to/cache";

  // Open a remote HTML document
  $doc = hQuery::fromUrl('http://example.com/someDoc.html');

  // Open a local HTML document
  $doc = hQuery::fromFile('/path/to/filesystem/doc.html');

  // Load HTML from a string
  $doc = hQuery::fromHTML('<html><head><title>Sample HTML Doc</title><body>Contents...</body></html>');

  // Set base_url, in case the document is loaded from local source.
  // Note: The base_url is used to retrive absolute URLs from relative ones
  $doc->base_url = 'http://desired-host.net/path';

  // Find all banners (images inside anchors)
  $banners = $doc->find('a > img:parent');

  // Extract links and images
  $links  = array();
  $images = array();
  $titles = array();
  foreach($banners as $pos => $a) {
      $links[$pos] = $a->attr('href');
      $titles[$pos] = trim($a->text()); // strip all HTML tags and leave just text
      $images[$pos] = $a->find('img')->attr('src');

  // Read charset of the original document (internally it is converted to UTF-8)
  $charset = $doc->charset;

  // Get the size of the document ( strlen($html) )
  $size = $doc->size;


On DUzun.Me


  • Add Unit tests
  • Document everything
  • Add more selectors
  • Improve selectors to be able to select by attributes