Sentinel - A simple integration test runner that runs periodically and displays the test results through a REST API

public class Startup
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            // ...
            app.UseSentinel(new SentinelOptions
                TestResultStore = new InMemoryTestResultStore(), // default
                Tests = new List<SentinelTestBase>
                    new MyCustomTest(
                        name: "My Custom Test Name",
                        description: "My Custom Test Description",
                        interval: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)),

                    new DatabaseTest(
                        name: "Database connection Test", 
                        description: "Check database connection constantly", 
                        connectionString: "DefaultConnection",
                        interval: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))
                OnTestResultChange = result =>

Run the sample app and access http://server:port/api/sentinel in order to retrieve the test results (json).