Arm None Eabi Docker image based on alpine with GNU C Library

The base image is based on the [Alpine GNU C library image], which is only a 5MB image, and contains glibc and arm-none-eabi cross toolchain to enable embdedd development over small docker image.

Another image add also the cmake tool to this docker develoment environment.

Usage Example

This image is intended to be a base image for your development environment, so you may use it in different ways :

Embedded your source code inside a new image

FROM tech4/alpine_glibc_gcc-arm-none-eabi

COPY ./my_app /home
$ docker build -t my_app .

Mount dynamically your source code inside the base image

You can also use it always executed to compile manually from container commande line:

$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/home tech4/alpine_glibc_gcc-arm-none-eabi
/home # make