Port of original CH32V003 examples by WCH for PlatformIO.
|-- ADC
| |-- ADC_DMA: ADC DMA sampling routines
| |-- AnalogWatchdog: analog watchdog routine
| |-- Auto_Injection: automatic injection mode routine
| |-- Discontinuous_mode: discontinuous mode routine
| |-- ExtLines_Trigger: external lines trigger ADC conversion routine
|-- DMA
| |-- DMA_MEM2MEM: Memory to memory mode routine
| |-- DMA_MEM2PERIP: Memory to peripheral mode, and peripheral to memory mode routine, see peripheral sub-routines
|-- EXTI
| |-- EXTI0: external interrupt line routine
| |-- FLASH_Program: FLASH erase/read/write, and fast programming
|-- GPIO
| |-- GPIO_Toggle: GPIO routine
|-- I2C
| |-- I2C_7bit_Mode: 7-bit addressing mode, master/slave mode, transceiver routine
| |-- I2C_10bit_Mode: 10-bit addressing mode, master/slave mode transceiver routine
| |-- I2C_DMA: I2C DMA, master/slave mode transceiver routine
| |-- I2C_EEPROM: I2C interface routine to operate EEPROM peripheral
| |-- I2C_PEC: PEC error check, master/slave mode transceiver routine
|-- IWDG
| |-- IWDG: independent watchdog routine
|-- OPA
| |-- OPA: OPA as voltage follower output routine
|-- PWR
| |-- Sleep_Mode: low power, sleep mode routine
| |-- Standby_Mode: low power, standby mode routine
|-- RCC
| |-- Get_CLK£ºGet system-HCLK-AHB1-AHB2 clock routine
| |-- MCO: MCO pin clock output routine
|-- SPI
| |-- 1Lines_half-duplex: single wire half duplex mode, master/slave mode, data transceiver
| |-- 2Lines_FullDuplex: two-wire full duplex mode, master/slave mode, data transceiver
| |-- FullDuplex_HardNSS: Hardware NSS mode, master/slave mode, data transceiver
| |-- SPI_CRC: CRC error check and master/slave mode transceiver routine
| |-- SPI_DMA: SPI DMA, master/slave mode transceiver routine
| |-- SYSTICK_Interrupt£ºsystick interrupt routine
|-- TIM
| |-- Clock_Select: clock source selection routine
| |-- ComplementaryOutput_DeadTime: complementary output and deadband insertion mode routines
| |-- ExtTrigger_Start_Two_Timer: external trigger routines to start two timers synchronously
| |-- Input_Capture: input capture routine
| |-- One_Pulse: single pulse output routine
| |-- Output_Compare_Mode: output comparison mode routine
| |-- PWM_Output: PWM output routine
| |-- Synchro_ExtTrigger£ºslave mode routine, including reset mode, gating mode and trigger mode
| |-- Synchro_Timer£ºtimer synchronization mode
| |-- TIM_DMA: timer DMA routines
| |-- USART_DMA: USART DMA, master/slave mode transceiver routine
| |-- USART_HalfDuplex: single wire half duplex mode, master/slave mode transceiver routine
| |-- USART_HardwareFlowControl: hardware flow control mode, master/slave mode, transceiver routine
| |-- USART_Interrupt: USART interrupt routine, master/slave mode transceiver routine
| |-- USART_MultiProcessorCommunication: multiprocessor communication mode routine
| |-- USART_Polling: polling transceiver mode, master/slave transceiver routine
| |-- USART_Printf: USART Print debugging routine
| |-- USART_SynchronousMode: synchronous mode, master/slave mode, transceiver routine
| |-- IAP Upgrade Routine - Built-in Hex to Bin Tool and IAP Upgrade Tool
|-- WWDG:
| |-- WWDG: window watchdog routine