Maze Project

The maze project is an adaptation of the Wolfenstein 1981 game. The project uses the concept of Raycasting to serve as the viewpoint of the player, giving it a first-person player view. Maps in the game are created using 2D-matrix arrays, which are seen when the player's raycast touch the blocks of the map.

Technologies Used

  • C Programming Language - The project was done using C programming language. The language is installed upon the installation of the gcc compiler on your Operating System (In this case, a Linux distro).
  • SDL2 - Known as Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform software development library designed to provide a hardware abstraction layer for computer multimedia hardware components. Software developers can use it to write high-performance computer games and other multimedia applications that can run on many operating systems such as Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. (Wikipedia). In simple terms, it creates windows for any kind of media file, giving each window the ability to interact with the hardware components of a system(i.e Keyboard and mouse) and also the ability to quit, maximize or minimize each media file/application. This was used as the window that holds the entire functionality of the project.
  • Ubuntu 20.04LTS - The operating system used in this project. Ubuntu is a distro for the Linux Operating system.


On the terminal run


This creates the executable file raycast (which is currently in this GitHub repository). Then run this to start up the application.


