printf _printf is a custom implementation of the C programming function printf.
Prototype: int _printf(const char *, ...);
Some Examples Integer
Input: _printf("There are %i dozens in a gross\n", 12); Output: There are 12 dozens in a gross Character
Input: _printf("The first letter in the alphabet is %c\n", 'A'); Output: The first letter in the alphabet is A String
Input: _printf("%s\n", 'This is a string.'); Output: This is a string. Decimal:
Input: _printf("%d\n", 1000); Output: 1000 Rot13
Input: _printf("Unknown:[%R]\n", "HELLO WORLD"); Output: URYYB JBEYQ FLAGS
Input: printf("Flag: [%+ d]", 1230); Output: Flag: [+1230] => 13 OCTAL