
  1. Create a new GitHub repository and name it "Website-Forms".

  2. Create an HTML registration form for a fictional website. The form should include various fields to collect information from the user. Use appropriate form controls and include validation where necessary. Apply suitable styling to enhance the visual appearance of the form..

  3. The form should include the following fields:

  • Full Name (text input)
  • Email Address (email input)
  • Password (password input)
  • Confirm Password (password input)
  • Date of Birth (date input)
  • Gender (radio buttons: Male, Female, Other)
  • Country (select dropdown with at least 5 options)
  • Terms and Conditions (checkbox)
  • Message (textarea)
  1. Apply the following validation rules:
  • All fields are required (except Terms and Conditions).
  • Email Address should be a valid email format.
  • Password and Confirm Password should match.
  • Date of Birth should be a valid date.
  1. Add a submit button to the form.

  2. Apply appropriate styling to the form using CSS to improve its visual appearance.

  3. Use HTML5 form attributes and elements to enhance usability (e.g., placeholder text, autofocus, etc.).

  4. Remember to follow best practices for HTML structure, use proper indentation, and provide appropriate comments in your code.

  5. Push to Github and share the link to the repo on Microsoft Teams