
This project is a react application developed during Rocketseat's GoStack Bootcamp that makes requests to the github API with the functionality of finding repositories, formulating useful information to the user in a clean interface. We managed to get data like the name of the repository, official link, issues, etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



EN: This project is a react application developed during Rocketseat's GoStack Bootcamp that makes requests to the github API with the functionality of finding repositories, formulating useful information to the user in a clean interface. We managed to get data like the name of the repository, official link, issues, etc.

PT-BR: Este projeto é um aplicação react desenvolvida durante o Bootcamp GoStack da Rocketseat que faz solicitações à API do github com a funcionalidade de encontrar repositórios, formulando informações úteis para o usuário em uma interface limpa. Conseguimos obter dados como o nome do repositório, link oficial, issues, etc.


This project was developed with the following technologies:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ReactJS
  • Styled Components
  • Axios



How To Install

Clone the project and then in the project directory, run:

npm install or yarn

Install project with all dependencies.

And finally run the command in the project directory

npm run start or yarn start

Runs the React App on port 3000.