
A Gallery plugin for the micro CMS Pico

Primary LanguagePHP

A Gallery plugin for the micro CMS Pico

You may find more info on gidlov.com/code/gallery


You can have as many galleries you want, with customizable markup. You can view all on the same page or different pages, and you can choose where on the page. Not so sophisticated, but it gets the job done.


Running example


As we make use of the excellent Image class we have to update the require key of composer.json and add the following:

"intervention/image": "dev-master"

Run the composer update comand.

Create two folders, one for your pre-scaled large images and one for the thumbnails. For example:


For Gallery >1.2, keep in mind that content-dir is by default protected by .htaccess.

Copy your photos to the fullsize-folder.

Add a gallery array to your config variable and modify according to your needs. This is a Gallery >1.2 example:

$config['gallery'] = array(
	'gallery_one' => array(					// Add %gallery_one% some place in your page.
		'page' => 'index',				// The page you want to view the gallery.
		'image_path' => 'media/gallery_two/images',	// Original Images.
		'thumb_path' => 'media/gallery_two/thumbs',	// Must be a empty separate folder.
		'flush' => '44571b842274ac45',			// A unique string to delete and regenerate thumbnails.
								// Visit http://SITE.COM/index/gallery_one/flush/47b71a856274ac45

		// These are possible, but not mandatory...
		'thumb_size' => array(200, 200),
		'before_gallery' => '',
		'after_gallery' => '',
		'before_thumbnail' => '',
		'after_thumbnail' => '',
		'before_image' => false,
		'after_image' => '',
		'thumbnail_link_class' => '',
		'thumbnail_image_class' => '',
		'image_class' => '',
		'alt_image' => '',
		'exclude' => array(),				// Exclude file name(s).
		'sort_by' => '',	 			// Sort by empty or 'random'.
		'order_by' => '', 				// Order by ampty or 'reverse'.

A pre-1.2 config example:

$config['gallery'] = array(
	'my_gallery' => array(					// Add %my_gallery% some place in your page.
		'page' => 'index',				// The page you want to view the gallery.
		'image_path' => 'gallery/fullsize',		// Original Images.
		'thumb_path' => 'gallery/thumbnails',		// Must be a empty separate folder.
		'flush' => '47b71a856274ac45',			// A unique string to delete and regenerate thumbnails.

		// These are possible, but not mandatory...
		'thumb_size' => array(200, 200),
		'before_gallery' => '',
		'after_gallery' => '',
		'before_thumbnail' => '',
		'after_thumbnail' => '',
		'thumbnail_link_class' => '',
		'thumbnail_image_class' => '',
		'before_image' => '',
		'after_image' => '',
		'image_class' => '',
		'alt_image' => '',
		'exclude' => array(),				// Exclude file name(s).
		'sort_by' => '',	 			// Sort by empty or 'random'.
		'order_by' => '', 				// Order by ampty or 'reverse'.

Save your config.php and enter the URL http://example.com/index/my_gallery/flush/47b71a856274ac45 to generate the thumbnails.

Add %gallery_one% or %my_gallery% to your index.md file, or wherever you want.

gallery/thumbnails-folder must have write permission.

Visit http://example.com/index to see your new gallery.



  • PHP 5.3


Gallery is released under LGPL.