
OBIII: Open Source Discord Bot, created by RITSEC

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Welcome to Ops Bot III, or as the cool kids like to call it, OBIII! 😎

OBIII is the third iteration of Ops Bot. You can find the previous version, Ops Bot II (OBII), on the RITSEC Gitlab here. The original is closed-source for your own safety 😉.

OBIII is a Discord bot specifically built for RITSEC and its Discord server. As such, much of the code is purpose-built for RITSEC. If you plan to implement OBIII outside of RITSEC, significant code refactoring may be required.


OBIII shares many of the same goals as OBII:

  • Modularity
  • Meaningful Documentation
  • Open Source Community and Contributions

We want OBIII to grow as the needs of its users do. We strive to make it a project that is not only easy to contribute to but also one that people want to contribute to!


OBIII is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Running OBIII for the First Time

Set up config.yml

Make a copy of config_example.yml and name it config.yml:

cp config_example.yml config.yml

Discord Bot Token, Application ID, and Guild ID

Instructions for setting up a general bot can be found everywhere, so we won't rehash it here. You can refer to the Discord.py documentation for guidance.

  1. Add the token of the bot to config.yml under token.
  2. Add the application ID of the bot to config.yml under app_id.
  3. Add the guild ID (ID of your server) to config.yml under guild_id.

Logging Fields

You need to add the IDs of the channels where you want the bot to log.

  1. Add the channel IDs to config.yml under logging.[level]_channel respectively.
  2. Set the default logging level in config.yml under logging.level.
  3. Set the default logging file location (ensure OBIII has access to it) in config.yml under logging.log_file.

Other Configurations

All other configurations will depend on what you wish to run within your bot.

In the file commands/enabled.go, you can enable and disable all the functionality of OBIII by commenting out the respective lines.

Modular Structure

OBIII is divided into three types of events it can handle: slash, handlers, and scheduled.

Once one of these events is created, it can be enabled in commands/enabled.go.

These events correspond to different ways a function can be triggered:


Slashes are application commands triggered when you press / in a Discord message box.

To configure a new slash command, create a new file under commands/slash/. Use the following template:

package slash

import (

func [Name]() (*discordgo.ApplicationCommand, func(s *discordgo.Session, i *discordgo.InteractionCreate)) {
	return &discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
			Name:                     [Name],
			Description:              [Description],
			DefaultMemberPermissions: [Permission],
		func(s *discordgo.Session, i *discordgo.InteractionCreate) {


Handlers act as hooks. They execute based on specific actions, defined by the parameters that the function takes.

To configure a new handler, create a new file under commands/handlers/

Handlers can respond to various events such as a user joining or leaving, a message being sent, deleted, or edited, and more.

A full set of handlers can be found here

package handlers

import (

func [Name](s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.[event]) {


Scheduled events run once when the bot starts and manage scheduling tasks on their own.

To configure a new scheduled event, create a new file under commands/scheduled/

There are two main examples that can be used:

Cron Events

Cron events run on a schedule or at specific times defined by a cron expression.

package scheduled

import (


func [Name](s *discordgo.Session, quit chan interface{}) error {
	est, _ := time.LoadLocation([location])

	c := cron.NewWithLocation(est)

	c.AddFunc([cron expression], func() { [function] })


	return nil

Continous Events

Continuous events are scheduled on a ticker and execute at regular intervals.

package scheduled

import (


func Heartbeat() *structs.ScheduledEvent {
	return structs.NewScheduledTask(
		func(s *discordgo.Session, quit chan interface{}) error {
			ticker := time.NewTicker([interval])
			for {
				select {
				case <-quit:
					return nil
				case <-ticker.C:


With this information, you have the context needed to understand, contribute to, and deploy OBIII.

Good luck and godspeed!