
clone of https://github.com/gidoBOSSftw5731/WeatherGo

Primary LanguageGo


WeatherGo is a Golang package for command line weather tool for users to get weather information in the U.S. Built with Go programming language, WeatherGo is able to query Yahoo Weather API with high speed.


cd $GOPATH/src
go build yahooweather
go install yahooweather

####Sample Usage

package main
import (

func main() {
	city, state := os.Args[1], os.Args[2]
	loc := yahooweather.BuildLocation(city,state)
	queryUrl := yahooweather.BuildUrl(loc)
	w := yahooweather.MakeQuery(queryUrl)
	if w == nil {
		fmt.Printf("Program Error")
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Temperature: %s %s, %s, Humidity: %s",w.Temp,w.Tp,w.Weth,w.Humidity)

####Sample Command and output

./yahooweather boston ma
Temperature: 60 F, Cloudy, Humidity: 83

#You may also get more information through edit weather.go