Terraform Njalla Provider


Terraform provider for njal.la domain records using the njalla API.

The API gives access to a lot more resources, so far just domain records is implemented

Example Usage

provider "njalla" { 
  token = "de65d2cec2b202c9a37089ad4ac9b81e"

Argument Reference

  • token - (Required) your token in njalla or via env variable NJALLA_TOKEN, can be generated here


This resource can create/edit your domain records

Example Usage

resource "njalla_domain_record" "this" {
  domain = "example.com"
  name = "subdomain"
  content = ""
  type = "A"
  ttl = 10800

Argument Reference

  • domain (Required) the domain you want to add a record to
  • name (Required) name of the domain record
  • content (Required) content of the record
  • type (Optional, default A) the type of the record
  • ttl (Optional, default 10800) the Time To Live for the record