My collection of custom tools I use daily.
I don't believe in licenses.
You can do whatever you want with this program.
However, there is a way to support :)
A script that will convert address in "arpa" format to classical format.
A script that grab subdomains of a given domain from
A script that test port of a given IP range with netcat, by default: 3389 and 5900.
A script that perform brute force through wordlist to find subdomains.
A script that perform brute force through numeric variation to find subdomains.
A script that apply reverse DNS technic on a given IP range to find subdomains.
Same thing but IP ranges are read from an input file.
A script that test Zone Transfer of a given domain.
A script that try to extract endpoints from Javascript files, thanks to ZSeano
A script that try to extract links from a given HTML file.
A script that simply creates Google dorks for a given domain (the search are not performed).
A script that convert a given IP address to different format, thanks to Nicolas Grégoire
A script that generates IP address from the start to the end.
A script that test Zone Transfer on a given list of domains using Fierce.
A script that perform SMTP user enumeration on a given list of IP address using smtp-user-enum
A script that simply test if SMTP user enumeration is possible on a given list of IP address using smtp-user-enum
A script that test the Nagios Remote Plugin Executor Arbitrary Command Execution using Metasploit.
A script that creates words permutation with different separators and output the hashes.
A script that try to determine what IP are alive in a given range of IP address using Netcat.
A script that try to determine what IP are alive in a given range of IP address using Nmap.
A script that try to determine what IP are alive in a given range of IP address using Ping.
A script that try to determine the open ports of a given IP address using Netcat.
A script that take a screenshot of a given url+port using Xvfb.
A script that perform a very small test of a given IP address.
A script that generate random IP address inside private network range.
A script that find subdomains using other well known programs (TheHarvester, DNSrecon...)
A script that grab subdomains of a given domain from
A script that test if an url (subdomain+port) is a web thing.
Same same but different.
A script that fuzz a given IP address with Netcat.
A script that try to nicely display output.
A script that perform brute force on a given url that use WebDav using Davtest