
A small weatherApp using OpenWeatherApp API, OWMs JavaAPI.

Primary LanguageJava


I am quite new to Android Development, but thought it might be fun and a bit of a challenge to try to create this work-test in Android environment. But since I have yet to learn a few of the android features, a more experienced developer might sneer at this. But hey, I tried my best! Some parts of the code is instancing unessecary objects for readability, hope that helps

I hope the code is readable enough, I really had to hurry to finish this project.

Problems I encountered during development:

  • I had no Idea the main thread did not allow for getting online and fetching information from a server\database. The solution I used might be seen as a bit of a hack, explicitly telling the thread to go online instead of creating another one that did it. I needed a quick solution, and learned a little thing on the go.

Android specific things I want to add:

  • More use of MVC pattern, as it is right now I have the business logic in the Activities.
  • Use of Fragments.
  • I have not used any log messages for debugging/ future development, no LogCat for me.

Things I wanted to add to the app:

  • Being able to change units, using a State Pattern
  • More modularity to the app, so the user can choose what to see.
  • add more private methods to for readability of the business logic.
  • pictures of the current weather. (could not find where to find the picture codes in the OWM API I used)
  • more tests, more use of test-driven development as it stands right now I mainly used prints to see what my output were as stub tests.
  • More structured styles and fonts in the values folder.
  • More structured javadoc/ documentation (sorry if it's a mess).

Things I did think of during development

  • The API I used had exceptional tools for error handling, so I think I managed to catch exceptions and give user a Toast if their input is bad
  • I used Stringbuilder for efficiency when parising my strings for a little bit of efficiency.
  • Although I want more tests, I was aware of the bugs and ran those few I had quite a lot. I also did alot of top-down testing from the Android simulator.

API's used to create this app:

OWMs Java API : https://bitbucket.org/aksinghnet/owm-japis/src OpenWeatherAPI: http://openweathermap.org/api