GestPYPay is an implementation in Python of GestPayCrypt italian bank Banca Sella Java classes. It allows to connect to online credit card payment GestPay.
This library is the conversion of the PHP GestPayCrypt and GestPayCryptHS by Alessandro Astarita.
His project is available at
For more information about GestPay, visit Easynolo website
The following code will explain a basic library usage, as per Easynolo PHP example.
import gestpypay
shopLogin = '9000001' #Change with your shop login id
currency = '242' #242 is for EUR
amount = '1.0' #the amount to be paid - use dot for decimal digits
transactionId = "YOURORD00001" #the transaction id in your application
customParameters = "" #e.g. 'MY_CUSTOM_PARAM1=A_VALUE'
sellaPaymentHandler = gestpypay.GestPayCrypt()
sellaPaymentHandler.Debug = True
sellaPaymentHandler.ProtocolAuthServer = 'https'
sellaPaymentHandler.DomainName = ''
if sellaPaymentHandler.Encrypt():
checkoutActionUrl = "%s://%s/gestpay/pagam.asp" % (sellaPaymentHandler.ProtocolAuthServer, sellaPaymentHandler.DomainName)
shopLogin = sellaPaymentHandler.GetShopLogin()
encryptedString = sellaPaymentHandler.GetEncryptedString()
print sellaPaymentHandler.GetErrorCode()
print sellaPaymentHandler.GetErrorDescription()
And then, in your rendered form (e.g. using Django):
<form method="post" action="{{checkoutActionUrl}}">
<input name="a" type="hidden" value="{{shopLogin}}" />
<input name="b" type="hidden" value="{{encryptedString}}" />
<input type="submit" value="Proceed with payment" name="submit" />
You will, of course, follow the rest of the standard procedure, as described in the "GestPay - Specifiche tecniche sicurezza con crittografia" document.
####GestPyPay 1.0
© 2012 Gianfranco Reppucci