BCH compliance

Assignments for Java Quality Software Developer (QSD) training with Better Code Hub (BCH)

This repository is part of a set of 3 training repositories (simple, medium and advanced) that are used in the QSD training program: https://github.com/BetterCodeHubTraining/training-assignments-simple, https://github.com/BetterCodeHubTraining/training-assignments-medium, https://github.com/BetterCodeHubTraining/training-assignments-advanced. If you want to use this code in a training yourself please contact us at bettercodehub@sig.eu.

About The Assignment Code

There is a pom.xml file in the root of this repository. This allows compiling the Java source files and running the unit tests using Maven by executing mvn test.

Usage when Training for QSD with Better Code Hub

Use Better Code Hub to find refactoring candidates

  • Go to BetterCodeHub.com and log in [FREE] with your GitHub account.
  • Run and analyze the training-assignments-simple repository with BetterCodeHub.
  • Refactor the code to comply with the first four guidelines.
  • Commit your local changes (git add *, git commit -m "your comment here").
  • Push the changes to your Github repository (git push).
  • Run the analysis in BetterCodeHub.com to check the results.
  • Send a pull request with your version of the refactoring.
  • Add the BCH badge to the README.md to show your compliance

About Building Maintainable Software

This assigment code is based (we pruned the original) on the example code that accompanies Building Maintainable Software: Ten Guidelines for Future-Proof Code by Joost Visser.

There are currently two editions of Building Maintainable Software:

Training videos are also available via O'Reilly Media.

Both editions are the same except for the language of the code snippets and a bit of language-specific terminology (e.g., 'Eclipse' in the Java edition is 'Visual Studio' in the C# edition).