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implementation self organizing maps with dummy data
[English] the problem when need stock data by date in the desired range, for example we want to get stock data in the range from the beginning of september 2019 to the end of December 2020 on the site, you have to click download one by one because the bad UX where there's nothing feature to download by specific stock data by date according to the desired range on the web So, the solution is im doing scraping technique which is a part of data engineering with library BeautifulSoup for extract the tag table which contains stock data without complicated by click to download one by one the data [Bahasa Indonesia] Permasalahannya adalah ketika membutuhkan data Saham per tanggal dalam rentang yang diinginkan misalnya dari awal bulan september 2019 sampai akhir bulan desember 2020 pada website , harus klik download satu per satu karena terbatas UX (tidak tersedia fitur untuk mendownload secara spesifik data saham per tanggal sesuai rentang yang diinginkan pada web tersebut. Maka itu, Saya melakukan pemanfaatan teknik Scraping (salah satu teknik data engineering) dengan library BeautifulSoup untuk mengekstrak tabelnya yang berisi data saham tanpa ribet klik satu per satu download data tersebut.
bikin front end perpus
just another repository
get the data by using ETL which Scraping data from website
untuk tugas front end developer kampus indonesia
giffaro97's Repositories
[English] the problem when need stock data by date in the desired range, for example we want to get stock data in the range from the beginning of september 2019 to the end of December 2020 on the site, you have to click download one by one because the bad UX where there's nothing feature to download by specific stock data by date according to the desired range on the web So, the solution is im doing scraping technique which is a part of data engineering with library BeautifulSoup for extract the tag table which contains stock data without complicated by click to download one by one the data [Bahasa Indonesia] Permasalahannya adalah ketika membutuhkan data Saham per tanggal dalam rentang yang diinginkan misalnya dari awal bulan september 2019 sampai akhir bulan desember 2020 pada website , harus klik download satu per satu karena terbatas UX (tidak tersedia fitur untuk mendownload secara spesifik data saham per tanggal sesuai rentang yang diinginkan pada web tersebut. Maka itu, Saya melakukan pemanfaatan teknik Scraping (salah satu teknik data engineering) dengan library BeautifulSoup untuk mengekstrak tabelnya yang berisi data saham tanpa ribet klik satu per satu download data tersebut.
bikin front end perpus
just another repository
get the data by using ETL which Scraping data from website
untuk tugas front end developer kampus indonesia