
Sample project for playing and testing WebSocket

Primary LanguageGo

Chat Server

This is a sample project for playing with websocket with integration test built in it.

How to test

Execute the following command:

$ go test -timeout 30s -parallel 10 ./...


The -parallel 10 flag is necessary because the test uses parallel testing to simulate concurrent connections of 10 clients (9 consumers and 1 sender).


  1. Client connect via websocket to /messages/listen (done)
  2. Publisher publishes Messages via HTTP endpoint POST /messages
  3. Message will be stored in data store, and then pushed back to the connected clients

Experimental / TODO

  • Enable Publisher to publish message by replying to the websocket
  • Enable multiple connection per user
  • Message order synchronization

Lesson Learned

Message order synchronization


Spawning goroutine to send message A (goroutine A) prior to message B (goroutine B) doesn't guarantee that goroutine A will be executed prior to goroutine B.


Spawn a worker (goroutine) within the connection to write message. Message is extracted from internal message queue which guarantees the message order.